Communicate and take action!
01.02.2016 | comtac – from the sensor to the cloud. In the Amalthea Group, the affiliated companies Bettschen Elektronik and Grossenbacher Systeme develop a product line for integrated solutions in the field of Internet of Things (IoT).
The name says it all: In the world of digital transformation, we are your system supplier from sensors to the cloud. We make the “things” communicate so that you can take actions based on the right information.
More than technology alone: The success of your IoT solution is determined by more than the technological approach (connectivity) alone: you can also ask us to assist you in making important decisions in organising deployment (usage), implementation (project) and the business model (business).
The early entry of Bettschen Elektronik in LoRa Alliance allowed us to already implement the first projects. Grossenbacher Systeme develops the supplemental software (OS, Stack, web-based visualisations, portal applications, etc.) and produces all the products in this environment in-house.
To give these activities a common home, the comtac brand was developed.